[Zope3-dev] WebDav and Dreamweaver

Fred Drake fred at zope.com
Thu May 6 03:53:13 EDT 2004

On Thursday 06 May 2004 03:42 am, Paolo Invernizzi wrote:
 > I've fixed it inserting in the __init__ of the PROPFIND class something
 > like this:
 > if ';' in self.content_type:
 >      self.content_type = self.content_type.split(';')[0]
 > I have zero knowledge in this field, so I donno what the standard says
 > for CONTENT_TYPE... so I've not filed a bug/patch in the collector...

Zope definately should be more flexible here; your patch is just about right, 
but I'd want to keep the rest of the content type field available (possibly 
with a method to get the parsed values).

But you basically got it right; Zope's looking at the entire field value, but 
it should only be looking at the major/minor portions of the field, not the 
parameters for the type.  Go ahead and file a bug report for this so we don't 
lose track of it.

Thanks for reporting this!


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  <fred at zope.com>
PythonLabs at Zope Corporation

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