[Zope3-dev] Re: RFC: TALES adapters and TAL/Tales variable namespaces

Garrett Smith garrett at mojave-corp.com
Fri May 28 11:21:23 EDT 2004

Stephan Richter wrote:

> On Friday 28 May 2004 02:48, Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:
>>Garrett Smith wrote:
>>>This problem seems analogous to view lookup --
>>>"content/++view++index.html" and "content/@@index.html" are equivalent.
>>>So, applied to adapters, we could use:
>>>  content/++adapter++dc/title (or '++adapt++')
>>+1 on ++adapt++.
>>I think using the the traversal machinery and its syntax would be a very
>>elegant solution. Then using either ##, ** or :: as a shortcut (in
>>analogy to @@) would be even more consistent, since in current
>>component-architecture-speak, views are multi-adapters.
>>Just compare them visually:
>>   - context/@@absolute_url
> +1

Do you have a preference on the character used? I think the following 
are on the table:




Could be another as well.

What was the reasoning behind selecting @@ for the view namespace 
shortcut? (IIRC, the motivation was to use characters that could be used 
in URLs, but I'm not sure that's an issue for adapters...or is it?)

  -- Garrett

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