[Zope3-dev] Re: Widget problems? Is there work in progress?

Roger Ineichen r.ineichen at projekt01.ch
Fri May 28 16:21:46 EDT 2004

The method _toFieldValue confuse me a little bit.

My open questions are:

- The attr convert_missing_value means we 
get the self._missing back if we set to True
otherwise we get the unicode(value) back?

Should the if statement not looks like this:

if self.convert_missing_value and self._missing:

def _toFieldValue(self, input):
    if self.convert_missing_value and input == self._missing:
        value = self.context.missing_value
        # XXX We convert everything to unicode :-(
        # But I see no other way for to convert the
        # value at the moment. 
            value = unicode(input)
        except ValueError, v:
            raise ConversionError("Invalid integer data", v)
    return decode_html(value) 

- Should we also convert the _missing? Or not, for 
to provide None as possible missing value otherwise 
we whould get a u'None'?

- What should we decode in the method decode_html?
Is this for unexcepted use of the TextWidget?
Or why should a <input type="text" value=""> tag 
contain HTML Code? The TextAreaWidget does.
This means also we can't store unconverted 
HTML tags with this widget or at least '<' and '>'.

Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Roger Ineichen
Projekt01 GmbH
Langackerstrasse 8
6330 Cham
phone     +41 (0)41 781 01 78
mobile    +41 (0)79 340 52 32
fax       +41 (0)41 781 00 78
email r.ineichen at projekt01.ch

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