[Zope3-dev] Bugfix "Issue 208" and comments

Roger Ineichen r.ineichen at projekt01.ch
Sat May 29 08:06:31 EDT 2004

Can somebody close the Bug "Issue 208"
in the bug collector.

The bug was in the use of the "Permission" Vocabulary.
I think we need another Vocabulary which compares
the permission id of the instance to the vocabulary title
and returns the vocabulary token (a Permission).

There is no Vocabulary where can do this.
The vocabulary normaly compares values and returns values
hwich are utilities. But how can we compare a permission

If we use DropDownWidgets it whould be nice to give
a value (string) for to setup a widget and 
the vocabluray can compare this string and returns a

There is another Bug in the ContentComponentDefinition.
--> We don't have the permision to edit in the edit View.
The permissions are set with the right Checker and the 
right permission but the view proxy don't allowed this 

Roger Ineichen

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