[Zope3-dev] open-sourcing some ZC widgets (was Re: AW: Widget problems? Is there work in progress?)

Stephan Richter stephan.richter at tufts.edu
Mon May 31 09:01:05 EDT 2004

On Sunday 30 May 2004 09:50, Gary Poster wrote:
> We (Zope Corp) are going to put all of our generically useful widgets
> into Zope 3 (or an open-sourced add-on, depending on whether Stephan et
> al want this in the 3.0.0 release) ASAP so we don't all duplicate
> effort.  I have other things going on too, of course, but I'll try to
> get this in within a few weeks.  Here's a summary of what we'll be adding:
> - Some list and set widgets for any size vocabulary (small to large)
> - Some list and set widgets especially for small vocabularies
> - Union widget (for a union field that may be one of multiple types,
> such as date or duration)
> - The date/time widget (the same JS is being used by many projects--the
> mishoo JS)

Yeah, this sounds great!

I agree that the changes should land ASAP for the reasons you gave. Now, here 
is the deal. We release beta 1 this week (Thursday), which freezes the API. 
All changes should be in by Wednesday. However, if your changes are just 
**additions** to the API, I am willing to include them for beta 2. If you 
need to change the API to make your changes work, please do so in the next 
couple of days.

Can you live with that?


Stephan Richter
CBU Physics & Chemistry (B.S.) / Tufts Physics (Ph.D. student)
Web2k - Web Software Design, Development and Training

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