[Zope3-dev] Twisted Zope

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Wed Nov 10 17:36:30 EST 2004

At 05:18 PM 11/10/04 -0500, Jim Fulton wrote:
>Shane Hathaway wrote:
>>I just put together a basic bridge between the Twisted HTTP server and
>>Zope X3.  I've attached it.  Check it out!  It's only a little grotty. ;-)
>>Note that it is single-threaded and does not use ZConfig for port and log
>>file configuration.  In the application I'm building, Twisted runs
>>multiple services, only one of which is Zope, and everything uses ZODB. 
>>In a scenario like mine, I think the safety of single-threaded programming
>>outweighs the risk of slow response due to long-running transactions. 
>>Other scenarios might want different policies.
>Have you followed the recent work on WSGI (aka PEP 333) and Zope?
>This should provide Twisted HTTP support.

In particular, Peter Hunt recently posted some info to the Web-SIG mailing 
list on a prototype WSGI gateway for Twisted.  If you take that, and 
combine it with Eckart Hertzler's prototype WSGI application for Zope X3 
(zope.app.wsgi), you should be able to take it for a spin.  I believe 
Peter's gateway is multithread-capable, too.

There's also been a prototype mod_python WSGI gateway posted to the Web-SIG 
list, that might be usable with ZEO and Eckart's zope.app.wsgi.

Unfortunately, I haven't the mental bandwidth at the moment to do anything 
with either of these; I hope to maybe take a look at them some time later 
this month if nobody else does.  But I'm definitely available to answer 
questions from anybody who's trying to make something happen with any of 
the above.

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