[Zope3-dev] Re: Applying site-wide look-and-feel (Was Re: )

Tonico Strasser contact_tonico at yahoo.de
Thu Nov 11 20:11:36 EST 2004

Janko Hauser wrote:
> In the current discussion I feel always that the problem is approached
> from two different ends. On the one side the designer, which does want a
> complete page to design. But what we want on the other side is to not
> depend to much on designers, as we want to have flexible layouts, so
> that not every different page needs to be designed again.

Perhaps we should distinguish between the quy who creates the static 
pages (with his favorite tools) and the quy who integrates it into the 
system. (I suppose this is often the same guy.) The guy who integrates 
it into the system may not be interested too much in dealing with a 
complete page.

Typical design tasks that comes into my mind:

   * Creating the static stuff
     (HTML, CSS, images, style guide ...)
   * Integrating the stuff
   * Validating stuff
   * Modifying or customizing existing stuff
   * Testing in Browsers

Just an idea: what if a designer could extract a static version of the 
integrated stuff with annotations in the source where it comes from?


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