[Zope3-dev] zope.app.wsgi + zope.app.server.main

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Mon Nov 15 17:00:13 EST 2004

At 10:46 AM 11/15/04 +0100, Eckart Hertzler wrote:
>The reason for using zope.app.main.setup in README was to be able
>to additionally startup a zope ftp server if I wanted.
>Surely this should be possible, even if zope is used as a WSGI application ?

You need to consider the possibility that you are running in a 
multi-process server, such as mod_python, in which case you will have 
multiple copies of the application trying to start servers.  Most will die 
because the socket is already in use.

This is only the simplest of issues you can run into, if you don't know 
what web server you're running under.

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