[Zope3-dev] Fatal Python error: can't initialize module MultiMapping when access "++apidoc++/Class/menu.html"

shane at hathawaymix.org shane at hathawaymix.org
Mon Nov 22 13:24:11 EST 2004

On Mon, 22 Nov 2004, jameswang wrote:

> Fatal Python error: can't initialize module MultiMapping

I saw this too.  I worked around it by uninstalling ZODB 3.2 from Python's 
site-packages (specifically MultiMapping.so.)  The source of the problem 
is that some code in Zope 3 uses MultiMapping as an optional import, but 
Zope 3 doesn't actually provide a MultiMapping module.  If it happens to 
find a copy of ZODB 3.2 or earlier, something breaks, probably related to 
ExtensionClass.  Two things should happen:

- Zope 3 shouldn't try to import MultiMapping.

- Someone should find out if this is a problem for Zope 2.8.


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