[Zope3-dev] Fatal Python error: can't initialize module MultiMapping when access "++apidoc++/Class/menu.html"

Tim Peters tim.peters at gmail.com
Mon Nov 22 14:07:38 EST 2004

[Tim Peters]
>> I don't see any imports of MultiMapping in Zope3 except from
>> RestrictedPython/SafeMapping.py, and I don't see any uses of
>> SafeMapping.py.  That doesn't mean there aren't any, just that I can't
>> find any <wink>.

[Stephan Richter]
> Well, the API doc tool tries to import everything that it comes accross. So
> you will not see an explicit import, but one is done. Note that this is only
> true, if you actually access the "Classes" documentation module.

If it's not intended that the MultiMapping class will exist in Zope3
(I don't know one way or t'other about that), then perhaps the docs
for this non-existent class should be removed?

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