[Zope3-dev] Re: Question about skins (standard_macros)

Florian Lindner mailinglists at xgm.de
Thu Oct 7 09:02:52 EDT 2004

Tonico Strasser schrieb:

> Florian Lindner wrote:
>>> From my understanding, 'standard_macros' is a name that holds macros 
>>> defined in 'standardmacros.py'. The names in the 'macro_pages' tuple 
>>> are configured in 'configure.zcml'. I might be wrong, though.
>> I already thought something like that. But how does Zope knows which 
>> macros out of the macro_pages to pick?
> Don't know, but I'd guess Zope picks out all macros from a given page 
> template.

But I can define a macro called page in skin_macros as well as in 
view_macros.... which one is choosen if I select 
use-macro="views/standard_macros/page" ?


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