[Zope3-dev] problems with Win build&install

Adam Groszer adamg at fw.hu
Thu Apr 7 02:40:15 EDT 2005

I tried it again, now I wrote down every step:

I checked out Zope into an empty dir, with TortoiseSVN 1.1.4, Build 2935, UNICODE
from: svn://svn.zope.org/repos/main/Zope3/trunk
Head revision

results are:
at revision: 29896
Added: 4999 updated:7

reinstalled python (activepython 2.3.5-236)

<svn checkout dir>>python setup.py install
running install
running build
running install_headers
running install_scripts
finished without warnings/errors

Still the same files&folders missing from <python dir> as in my
previous mail.

So I started fiddling around and modified setup.py:
EXTS = ['.conf', '.css', '.dtd', '.gif', '.jpg', '.html',
        '.js',   '.mo',  '.png', '.pt', '.stx', '.ref',
        '.txt',  '.xml', '.zcml', '.mar', '.in', '.sample',
modified to: (the .pot and .rst files were not copied)
EXTS = ['.conf', '.css', '.dtd', '.gif', '.jpg', '.html',
        '.js',   '.mo',  '.png', '.pt', '.stx', '.ref',
        '.txt',  '.xml', '.zcml', '.mar', '.in', '.sample',
        '.pot',  '.rst']

reinstalled python
<svn checkout dir>>python setup.py clean
<svn checkout dir>>python setup.py install

Now the following files exist:
<python dir>\Lib\site-packages\buddydemo\locales
<python dir>\Lib\site-packages\bugtracker\browser\help\tracker_overview.rst

Of course the other problems are still there.

MD5 of the original setup.py is:
45eb8592adabb523baf046f33302d967 *setup.py

Am I doing something wrong?

> I'm not sure offhand what you're running into. I would say it's
> subversion + your system. If I do a clean checkout of Zope3 I can use
> bin/mkzopeinstsance to create new instances that work fine.

> Was your checkout to an empty directory?

>  -- Garrett

Best regards,
 Adam                            mailto:adamg at fw.hu

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