[Zope3-dev] RFC: Make <widget /> subdirective support sequence/items widgets

Dominik Huber dominik.huber at projekt01.ch
Wed Jun 29 04:00:06 EDT 2005

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

> Actually, I'm not entirely satisfied with the implementation yet. It 
> still doesn't work sufficiently with subwidgets of sequence widgets.

I'm not sure if I use the sequence widgets correctly. Two days ago I 
used the sequence widget the second time (The first time I used them 
within X3.0. Everything seems to be equal except that the 
CustomWidgetFactory cannot used for custom sequence widgets anymore 
(->CustomSequenceWidgetFactory)). Are there other ways sequence widgets 
should be used?

class IFoo(Interface:
    attribute1 = TextLine()
    attribute2 = TextLine()
    attribute3 = TextLine()

class IFoos(Interface):
      foos = Tuple(title=_( default=(),  value_type=Object(schema=IFoo))

from zope.app.form import CustomWidgetFactory, CustomSequenceWidgetFactory
from zope.app.form.browser import ObjectWidget, SequenceWidget
from app import Foo

foo_widget = CustomWidgetFactory(ObjectWidget, Foo)
foos_widget = CustomSequenceWidgetFactory(SequenceWidget, foo_widget)

      label="Edit Foos"
      menu="zmi_views" title="Edit Manager"


What exactly doesn't work sufficiently with subwidgets in your opinion?
IMO, it woud be cool if there is a way to hide and order the fields of 
the subwidgets.

> So, I will likely merge after 3.1, but possibly on both 3.1 branch and 
> the trunk. I consider this a bugfix.

This example pattern does not work anymore with the current trunk, but 
with your branch.
It would be better if you could merge before 3.1, because IMO this seems 
to be a bug too.


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