[Zope3-dev] Re: ZopeTop skin

Jean-Marc Orliaguet jmo at ita.chalmers.se
Tue Mar 22 13:10:37 EST 2005

Roger Ineichen wrote:

>Hi Jean-Marc
Hi Roger,

>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: zope3-dev-bounces+dev=projekt01.ch at zope.org 
>>[mailto:zope3-dev-bounces+dev=projekt01.ch at zope.org] On 
>>Behalf Of Jean-Marc Orliaguet
>>Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2005 6:33 PM
>>To: zope3-dev at zope.org
>>Subject: Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: ZopeTop skin
>>The discussion about the navigation tree is a discussion about a 
>>portlet, or a viewlet, isn't it?
>Yes and No. 
>It's a discussion about browser compatibility which 
>is replaceable like a viewlet. Both navigation trees
>are ready to use. We just have to register the right 
>configure.zcml ;-)

this will be done with drag-and-drop and point-and-click in cpsskins 
(the target audience is end-users, not programmers).

>I'm looking forward to do this TTW. Then every body can 
>use whatever he likes.
>>it is not about a skin, really. I hope to get the port of 
>>cpsskins for 
>>Zope3 working in about a few months from now.
>>Basically the idea is: choose the portlets that want in your skin 
>>depending on your needs, your target audiences. etc and 
>>design your skin 
>>(or theme) based on graphic design considerations, user 
>>interface, not 
>>browser support.
>We allready have viewlets implemented in Zope3.
>We implement in the next three weeks perferences for user settings.
>Then we are ready to offer to switch navigation boxes.
>That's the concept.
>Perhaps you can join the development and improve the the pagelet 

yes sure, definitely.

>Do you have a link for to see what's CPSSkin?
>Roger ineichen

viewlets, pagelets, etc are document-centric, the starting point is the 
object under the current URL around which you add a decoration with 
macros, themes in cpsskins however are objects in the ZODB. The 
approaches are different but certainly complementary and they will meet 
at some juncture.

Here is an animation in Flash after last weeks sprint in Paris:

Regards /JM

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