[Zope3-dev] PAU bug

Roger Ineichen dev at projekt01.ch
Thu Mar 31 18:01:04 EST 2005

Wrong IAdding view concept

There are some problems in the PAU regsitration or better
say in the Plugins registration.

Every global registred item (for adding) like:

      title="Content Component Definition"
      description="A Persistent Content Component Definition"

get listed in the PAU Plugins "Add Menu".
This means the "add_component" menu is used.

If we do this we need a constraints in the __setitem__ method
of one interface used in the PAU for make a constraints
what's can be added in the Plugins container.

If we do this we have to make sure taht all items (Plugins)
provide this contraint.

If we don't use a constraint. we have to use a own Adding
view for the Plugins part. This Adding view can be used for 
items to get added to.

a) The use of a __setitem__ constraints makes required that
items have to fit this constraint.

b) The use of a own IAdding (view) implemenetation
is a cleaner way. I think.

And since I refactored the addMenuItem directive it is 
possible to use addMenutItem instead of menuItem
for exactly this concept.

What sould we use? What's the better way? 

Roger Ineichen
Projekt01 GmbH
Langackerstrasse 8
6330 Cham
phone     +41 (0)41 781 01 78
mobile    +41 (0)79 340 52 32
fax       +41 (0)41 781 00 78
email r.ineichen at projekt01.ch

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