[Zope3-dev] Missing ObjectContentModifiedEvent

Uwe Oestermeier u.oestermeier at iwm-kmrc.de
Mon May 9 13:05:35 EDT 2005

Garrett Smith wrote:

> So we shouldn't see ObjectModifiedEvent being fired directly then. It
> should be one of the two subclasses, correct? This is not the case
> throughout zope/app.

Jim Fulton answered:
> Yup. Yup.

A closer look at the ObjectModifiedEvents (or the related modified()
revealed that there are only a few places were these events are actually
Most usages occur inside tests.

ObjectModifiedEvents are fired in

1. app.form.browser.add (in a _set_after_add hook together with a list of
2. app.form.browser.editview (after a call of applyWidgetsChanges)
3. app.form.browser.editwizard (after a call of applyWidgetsChanges)
4. app.fssync.committer (after a call of adapter.setBody)
5. zope.app.workflow.stateful.definition (in _publishModified, seems to be
    related to container events)
6. zope.app.container.contained (in setitem and uncontained)

An ObjectAnnotationsModifiedEvent is used in

7. zope.app.dublincore.browser.metadataedit (for dc.title and

ObjectContentModifiedEvents are currently not used, as already mentioned.

According to the intrinsic/extrinsic distinction 

1-4 are clear cases for ContentModifiedEvents (or ValueChangedEvents),
5 & 6 indicate modified containers, which are presumably
according to the intrinsic/extrinsic distinction.
7 is the only clear case for an extrinsic usage.

Therefore one should use  ObjectContentModifiedEvent for 1-6, and 
an ObjectAnnotationsModifiedEvent for 7. As far as I see, 4. becomes
if File._setData fires the event. But the general question is,  whether
the adapter 
or the adapted interface should send the event.

Alternatively, all mentioned usages could be easily subsumed under an
ObjectModifiedEvent definition. Some optional keywords (for the interface
the attribute that was used to change the object, and additional infos
the changed values if available) are probably sufficient:

    1-3: ObjectModifiedEvent(obj, interface=schema, attr=field,
oldvalue=old, newvalue=new)
    4: ObjectModifiedEvent(obj, interface=IObjectFile, attr="setBody")
    5: ObjectModifiedEvent(obj, interface=IContainer, attr="__setitem__")
    6: ObjectModifiedEvent(obj, interface=IContainer, attr="__delitem__")
    7: ObjectModifiedEvent(obj, interface=IZopeDublinCore, attr="title")

Since the keywords are optional, these changes could be easily made in a 
backward compatible way.


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