[Zope3-dev] Adapt to IContainer

os garanin at m-lan.ru
Sun May 15 07:38:21 EDT 2005

I not have problem with adapt my object to IContainer. 
But i have problem with usage standard zmi for her.  
1) i have SimpleObject 
2) now i want adapt my SimpleObject to IContainer 
	2.1) i create SimpleFolderAdapter->icontainer unit-test -> Ok
	2.2) configure -> ok
3) i want use standard zmi for manage my SimpleObject as container ->
	zope.app.container.browser: adding.py - 71,73; contents.py -120
        zope.app.container: constraints.py - 186

I solve problems rewrite this rows. For example:
container[name] = content  ---> IContainer(container)[name] = content 

Question: is it bugs?


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