[Zope3-dev] Missing ObjectContentModifiedEvent

Dieter Maurer dieter at handshake.de
Mon May 30 16:43:47 EDT 2005

Jim Fulton wrote at 2005-5-30 08:42 -0400:
> ...
>I suggest we generalize this a bit.  I suggest that the ObjectModified
>event could accept one or more modification descriptions (hints?).
>Some examples:
>   ObjectModifiedEvent(obj, IObjectFile)
>This says that we modified the objects file data.  Note that
>an interface is an acceptable description.  In fact, we
>might allow pretty muich anything as a description.
>   ObjectModifiedEvent(obj, IObjectFile,
>                       Attributes(IZopeDublinCore, 'title', 'description'),
>                       )
>This says we modified the file data and the DC title and description.
>This information would be a hint that subscribers could use, or not use
>as appropriate.
>We could change the form machinery in an obvious way to generate
>attribute descriptions.
>Dieter,  I'm pretty sure that this would provide enough information
>for you to do the kind of optimizations you want to do.

Sounds good!


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