[Zope3-dev] zc.datetimewidget+UTC exception

Adam Groszer adamg at fw.hu
Mon Jul 17 12:53:40 EDT 2006

Hi there,

Anybody tried to use the above?
For me it raises

  Module zope.app.form.utility, line 348, in getWidgetsData
  Module zope.app.form.browser.widget, line 295, in getInputValue
  Module zc.datetimewidget.datetimewidget, line 123, in _toFieldValue
    res = normalizeDateTime(res, self.request)
  Module zc.datetimewidget.datetimewidget, line 48, in normalizeDateTime
    dt = zc.i18n.date.normalize(request, dt)
  Module zc.i18n.date, line 74, in normalize
    tzu = tzinfo.fromutc(dt).tzinfo
ValueError: fromutc: dt.tzinfo is not self

Seems like that happens when in zc.i18n.date tzinfo == UTC

def normalize(request, dt):
    if dt.tzinfo is None:
        tzinfo = ITZInfo(request)
        tzinfo = dt.tzinfo
    tzu = tzinfo.fromutc(dt).tzinfo

Anyway normalizing an UTC datetime to UTC is useless?!?!?
So if nobody goes against I'll correct that.

Best regards,
 Adam                          mailto:adamg at fw.hu
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