[Zope3-dev] sx.translations available...

Chris Withers chris at simplistix.co.uk
Fri Jul 21 10:50:06 EDT 2006

Hanno Schlichting wrote:
> Hi.
> As far as I understand there is really a bug. The code should deal with
> the situation where msgid is a Message object. What it does right now is
> to look up a translation for that Message object in the translation
> domain of the current TranslationDomain (self). The line you mention is
> part of the code that should make sure that the Message object is looked
> up in its own domain instead, but as you noticed this never happens.

sx.translations has this bit:

         # MessageID attributes override arguments
         if isinstance(msgid, (Message, MessageID)):
             if msgid.domain != self.domain:
                 util = getUtility(ITranslationDomain, msgid.domain)
                 return util.translate(msgid,mapping,context,

> There is even a test for this in tests/test_translationdomain.py
> testMessageIDTranslateForDifferentDomain but it seems, it doesn't find
> the problem.

Indeed, sounds like the test's author didn't make sure it failed before 
fixing this ;-)

OK, just so people know, I now have a sx.translations package which is 
complete and available as open source but which I haven't had a chance 
to release.

It has the following features:

- "translations" objects which implement both ITranslationDomain and 

- a "missing" mode which spits out .pot to a specified file for any 
msgids that aren't found

Here's a sample ZCML snippet for configuring it from the tests:

<configure xmlns='http://namespaces.zope.org/zope'
   <configure package="zope.i18n.tests">
     <i18n:registerTranslations locales="./locale"

If anyone's interested in using this, please drop me an email, I'll 
likely get around of officially releasing it in early September but it 
is already live in a customer project so is seeing real world use ;-)



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            - http://www.simplistix.co.uk

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