[Zope3-dev] Re: RFC: Zope Configuration Egg Support

Philipp von Weitershausen philipp at weitershausen.de
Mon Oct 23 06:02:27 EDT 2006

Jim Fulton wrote:
> I've created a small proposal to add egg support to zope.configuration:
>   http://zope3.zwiki.org/ZopeConfigurationEggSupport

You write:

   We are making increasing use of Python eggs for Zope development. We
   need to be able to load ZCML from eggs.

That obviously raises the question how are we currently *not* able to 
load ZCML from eggs? (Lennart seems to have that question, for example.) 
Is it just about loading stuff from ZIP files? You allude to that but 
don't spell out the API you want to add to configuration contexts. The 
full scope of the proposal isn't obvious therefore, as it's hard to see 
how existing directives will have to be refactored.

Also, what will the new usage of <include /> look like? Some examples 
would be nice, e.g.:

   <include egg="zope.app.container" />?

Will we be able to say

   <include egg="zope.app.container=3.4" />

to require a specific version of the egg? Because that's what I would 
imagine the "egg" parameter's advantage over "package" to be.

Perhaps it's just me, but that proposal says everything (eggs, ZIP 
files, actions in Python, etc.) and nothing (no details) to me.


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