[Zope3-dev] Re: Anyone using zc.recipe.zope3instance on windows?

Martijn Faassen faassen at startifact.com
Tue Jan 2 13:37:56 EST 2007

Hey JW,

Jan-Wijbrand Kolman wrote:

> I'm spending some time on making zc.recipe.zope3instance run properly on 
> Windows. There're at least two issues to sort out:
> 1) Usually(?) Zope-3 is installed using the *.msi installer on Windows. 
> The recipe should look in the "Scripts" sub directory of the parent 
> directory of the Python executable for the mkzopeinstance.bat command.
> 2) The 'runzope', 'debugzope' and 'scriptzope' scripts have some extra 
> (Python) path information patched in. However, '\' characters in these 
> paths need to be escaped properly.
> Is anyone else using this recipe for deploying Zope-3 applications on 
> Windows? Or maybe people are using an alternative recipe for this purpose?
> Are there any other known issues with running this recipe on Windows?
> Should fixes for these issues go into the current recipe, of would it be 
> better to introduce a Windows specific recipe? 

Note that Gocept also made an improved version of the zope 3 instance 
recipe, here:


It might be interesting to take that as a base.

My opinion would be that the current recipe should be made Windows 
aware, as I think there is a lot of code that can be shared. It could be 
that you end up developing a separate recipe but in the same package 
though, sharing lots of code.

I also heard Jim mumble about wanting to do (separate? independent?) 
work on the instance recipe as well.



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