[Zope3-dev] Re: zope.error is a 3.5 egg, but is needed by 3.4.x releases

Max M maxm at mxm.dk
Mon Oct 8 07:34:34 EDT 2007

Martijn Faassen skrev:

> We've worked with eggs for a few months now, with Grok. I can report 
> that I believe the egg situation is currently massively unusable for 
> almost all Zope 3 users except, from now on, Grok users, as two people 
> spent half the week in resolving this problem and figuring out which 
> eggs to use for what. I think the traffic on this mailing list the last 
> weeks is plenty of evidence that non-Grok users have had very similar 
> problems.

I don't understand why this wasn't imlediately obvious from the 
beginning of egg'ifying zope 3?

It was the first thing I thought about when I heard of things moving in 
that direction. Making software by releasing loosely coupled versions of 
  seperate projects sounds like the perfect recipe for disaster.

But I assumed I had just misunderstood how it was supposed to work.


hilsen/regards Max M, Denmark

IT's Mad Science

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