[Zope3-dev] broken zope.lifecycleevent 3.4.0 on cheeseshop?

Martijn Faassen faassen at startifact.com
Sat Sep 1 15:47:07 EDT 2007

Hi there,

I see today a zope.lifecycleevent 3.4.0 was released to the cheeseshop 
(but not to download.zope.org/distribution).

Unfortunately it seems to break when I install it into my buildout, with 
the following error:

Running easy_install:
/home/faassen/bin/python2.4 "-c" "from setuptools.command.easy_install 
import main; main()" "-mUNxd" "/home/faassen/buildout-eggs/tmpA1S-YF" 

error: /tmp/easy_install-NCwbAA/zope.lifecycleevent-3.4.0/CHANGES.txt: 
No such file or directory
An error occured when trying to install zope.lifecycleevent 3.4.0.Look 
above this message for any errors thatwere output by easy_install.

Something in its setup.py appears to be referring to a CHANGES.txt which 
evidently then cannot be found.

What is going on?



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