[Zope3-Users] Container Constraints

Marcus J. Ertl marcus.ertl at larp-welt.de
Sat Dec 31 09:25:20 EST 2005


I want to have container, witch should contain links and others 
containers of his own type! What I did is this in my interface-definition:

class ILinkContainer(IContainer):
    """Basic folder, containing only links and other link folders."""
    def __setitem__(name, object):
        """ Add an ITodo object. """

    __setitem__.precondition = ItemTypePrecondition(ILink, ILinkContainer)

But zope tells me:

NameError: name 'ILinkContainer' is not defined

I'm shure, he is right! It's a little bit of recursion at this place. 
But what to do?

Creating a marker interface? Something like:

class IMarker(IContainer):
    """ ... """

class ILinkContainer(IMarker):
    """Basic folder, containing only links and other link folders."""
    def __setitem__(name, object):
        """ Add an ITodo object. """

    __setitem__.precondition = ItemTypePrecondition(ILink, IMarker)

Should work, but why creating a Interface "for nothing"? Must be a 
better way!

And last but not least: Happy new Year!

   Marcus Ertl

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