[Zope3-Users] Re: stuffing the request object in zope3

Andreas Jung lists at andreas-jung.com
Mon Oct 3 12:55:25 EDT 2005

--On 3. Oktober 2005 12:45:53 -0400 Tim Middleton <x at vex.net> wrote:

> Andreas Jung wrote:
>> A quote from Philipp: """Everything that deals with a the request object
>> should be a view (or browser view)""" This means your approach is wrong.
>> Make clear separation between your core implementation which should not
> Yes, I know, I'm horribly, horribly, horribly wrong. And one day I'll be
> punished severely for my crimes against modern MVC patterns... But.... i
> *could* implement my entire app as a browser view...? (-;

If you think in such patterns then you should stick with Zope 2 or use PHP.

> (If of course I knew actually how to even hook up a class as a browser
> view...)

This is documented in the Z3 tutorial, Philipp's book, the Z3 cookbook...

> In invoking "Phillip" are you referring to the book "Web Component
> Development with Zope 3"?

Not to the book but to the same person. That's a quote from  this talk
at the Plone conf some days ago.


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