[Zope3-Users] Add and Edit form

Cliff Ford Cliff.Ford at ed.ac.uk
Fri May 12 16:59:11 EDT 2006

Fred Drake wrote:
> On 5/12/06, Cliff Ford <Cliff.Ford at ed.ac.uk> wrote:
>> This is an example mextURL function that I used to add a folder
>> containing a page, and then go to the folder. Going to the page is just
>> an addition to the last line.
> This is very confusing.  Why are you creating new content in
> nextURL()?  Shouldn't that happen in the create() method?

I wanted to collect in one form all the information needed to create a 
folder, an index.html page template and custom menu in one go. I found 
this worked very well in Zope 2.

There is a custom form, and its support class contains just a nextURL 
function. I just found that a convenient location to create the 
additional objects in the folder. It all works nicely as required. There 
may be a better way to do it - and I am open to suggestions as I am 
relatively new to Zope 3 too. My example can seen and downloaded from:


although I accidentally introduced some bugs and have not uploaded the 
latest version yet.


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