[Zope3-Users] object i18n

Hassan Alirezaei hassan at isi.imi.i.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Sat Nov 11 09:56:38 EST 2006

Hello zope3-users;
I am having the following situation but I can't find an elegant solution 
for it.

I am having users signing up in my system. They will enter their 
personal information(name, univ. major) in 2 (could be even more) 
languages which will be saved in a PersonalInfo object:

And I need to switch between the user's say Japanese name and English 
name. for this matter I ask the user to enter names in both japanese and 
english and then programmatically update an existing 
ILocalTranslationDomain utility to register his japanese personal info 
with the english one. This works fine.

But the real problem is when two users want to have different 
translations for the same english word. for example one user might 
define "some-jp-equevalent" for "an english word" but another user might 
want to have "some-other-jp-equivalent" for "an english word"...

In the case of one translation domain setting "an english word" again 
will override the original meaning. but I want to let every user has his 
own translation for each word ...  I thought of having a domain for 
every user but then thought maybe there is a more elegant (and easier) 
way to do this.

Any help is very much appreciated.

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