[Zope3-Users] Buildout and custom python

Zvezdan Petkovic zvezdan at zope.com
Fri Dec 21 10:16:00 EST 2007

On Dec 21, 2007, at 9:28 AM, Christian Theune wrote:

> Am Freitag, den 21.12.2007, 09:15 -0500 schrieb Benji York:
>> Christian Theune wrote:
>>> And you can mix-and match: have buildout profiles that use your  
>>> personal `good` Python for development and production profiles  
>>> that build it themselves. OTOH this is somewhat controversial  
>>> regarding test what you fly, fly what you test ... ;)
>> As long as you also run your tests in production, it seems fine to  
>> me.
> True. OTOH you really don't want your development environment to be  
> far off your production environment. Joel (Spolsky) wrote a good  
> article about leaking abstractions. It can be rather nasty to find a  
> failing test when wanting to put something into production. (Of  
> course this is way better than going in production and not seeing  
> failing tests.)

If that clean python is built as a package (e.g., an rpm) and the  
product is also built as a package (see zc.sourcerelease) which  
declares to depend on the clean python package, the development and  
production environments will be the same.  It'll fly what it tested.

Zvezdan Petkovic <zvezdan at zope.com>

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