[Zope3-Users] Guidance on accessing MySQL db.

Rich C madcubano1 at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 31 08:11:32 EDT 2007

Thanks for the suggestions.  

To summarize what you guys have suggested and what
I've recently read regarding SQL Alchemy. SQL Alchemy,
which is an Object Relational Mapper, basically maps
Python objects to/from an underlying database.  

This sounds very interesting and seems like it will
allow to me to interface with the database directly
from Python, even possibly abstracting away some of
the SQL. 

For reference of others trying to do the same, here is
where I found info on SQL Alchemy:

So, to use this within Zope 3, I will need to install:

Many Thanks,

--- Hermann Himmelbauer <dusty at qwer.tk> wrote:

> Am Samstag, 31. März 2007 00:32 schrieb Rich C:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > I've just started using Zope 3 and am having some
> > difficulty finding examples on a good way to
> access a
> > MySQL database.  For the moment, I'd just like to
> be
> > able to read from the database and display it in a
> web
> > page with decent formatting.
> I'd also recommend to use z3c.zalchemy, as an ORM
> integrates far better with 
> the concepts of Zope3.
> Regards,
> Hermann
> -- 
> x1 at aon.at
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