[Zope3-Users] bsquare'ing

Adam GROSZER agroszer at gmail.com
Thu Apr 3 12:44:45 EDT 2008

Hello Paul,

Having the same ideas here.
I'll improve if you don't mind.

Thursday, April 3, 2008, 6:35:01 PM, you wrote:

PC> I think the problem you are having is that buildout Is not installed  
PC> on your system. I'm not sure what the buildout bootstrap command does
PC> but I imagine it is a replacement for the bootstrap.py script.  
PC> Personally, I think bootstrap.py should be used when it is available.

PC> I like your suggested changes and I'd like to add some more. It would
PC> be really cool if bsquare could see that buildout.cfg is using  
PC> "develop" packages and somehow how check the develop packages out  
PC> automatically. It would also be nice to parse the dependencies of a  
PC> package and rebuild it whenever a dependency is rebuilt. Finally my  
PC> last wish is that bsquare can be used without installing buildbot or  
PC> twisted on the system. That would mean depending on buildbot and  
PC> zope.app.twisted and adding console script entry points for the  
PC> relevant command line scripts they provide. I've been meaning to make
PC> some of these changes in pcardune-setup branch but haven't had a lot  
PC> of time.

PC> - Paul

PC> On Apr 3, 2008, at 3:39 AM, Adam GROSZER <agroszer at gmail.com> wrote:

>> Hello,
>> I'm trying to setup a buildbot here for our buildout based packages.
>> What I don't get is, how that works:
>>    f.addStep(Compile(name='bootstrap',
>>                command='buildout bootstrap .',
>>                description=['bootstrapping'],
>>                descriptionDone=['bootstrap']))
>> We used to issue "python2.4 bootstrap.py",
>> "buildout bootstrap ." gives an error, unless I'm missing something.
>> Also, I'd propose some enhancements too:
>> -def configure(svn_url, http_port=8010, allowForce=False):
>> +def configure(svn_url, svnuser=None, svnpasswd=None,  
>> http_port=8010,allowForce=False, poller=None):
>>    """Creates a buildout master configuration.
>>    The configuration returned is almost functional. You just need to  
>> add
>>    slaves.
>>    """
>>    c = {}
>>    c['slavePortnum'] = 8989
>> -    c['change_source'] = SVNPoller(svn_url, split_file=split_file,  
>> pollinterval=30)
>> +    if poller:
>> +         c['change_source'] = poller
>> +    else:
>> +         c['change_source'] = SVNPoller(svn_url, svnuser=svnsuer,  
>> svnpasswd=svnpasswd, split_file=split_file, pollinterval=30)
>> Christian, opinions? Where to make those changes?
>> -- 
>> Best regards,
>> Adam GROSZER                          mailto:agroszer at gmail.com
>> --
>> Quote of the day:
>> "Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you respond to it."
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Best regards,
 Adam GROSZER                            mailto:agroszer at gmail.com
Quote of the day:
If at first you don't succeed, give up, no use being a damn fool.

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