[Zope3-Users] Choosing between Bluebream, Zope2 and Grok

Thierry Florac tflorac at ulthar.net
Wed Oct 24 06:13:55 UTC 2012


Le Wed, 24 Oct 2012 07:45:50 +0530,
  Milind Khadilkar <zedobject at gmail.com> a écrit:

> Hello all Zope Users!
> We are trying to decide on a Zope platform for, say, the next five
> years. We have developed small products on Zope2 and Zope3 between
> 2000 and 2008, and in Grok over the past couple of years, off and on.
> We are looking to build as per customer requirements, and it would be
> common sense to choose the platform as per requirement. However, with
> a small team size, we can't spread ourselves thin over the three
> platforms...Pyramid, Django and GAE also keep beckoning....
> We have seven revivable products in Zope2 (2.6 - 2.10), including one
> in Plone. Some of them do not open in Zope 2.11...
> Some of them use DTML for no reason now discernable.
> Some of them use a very old version of ZODB.
> We have one big product in Zope 3.3.  Can we attempt converting it
> from Zope 3 to Zope2?
> We have no real work done in Grok, but there is a level of
> familiarity with it. Newer members of the team know neither Zope2 nor
> Zope3.
> Making use of our past work is an important criterion for us.
> Training new team members is another...
> What other things must we keep in mind when deciding on the platform?
> Any pointers would help.
> Sorry for this rambling question.
> Thanks in advance for your answers.

Using Zope 2 for several years, I switched to Zope 3.3 probably five
years ago and our latest developments since two years are based on ZTK
and ZopeApp. We are really very happy with these!

Having small teams of developers, mainly coming from the Java world,
training them for recent environments was more "natural" and easier to
them than it was for Zope 2.

The main problem with these releases is that BlueBream "as is" is a
dead project; I only used it as a base to create my new development
environments based on recent releases of ZTK and ZopeApp packages.
These ZTK and ZopeApp packages are still maintained (last release was
in May, 2012) but don't seems to evolve much actually (even if
development work seems to be visible in Launchpad). Development
community on these packages don't seems to be very active or is, at
least, hard to find! Same for Grok, for which the last release was 18
months ago.

Excluding Django, Pyramid seems to be the most active project actually
among those you mentioned. And it can include many "old" Zope concepts
(ZODB, traversing...). But I didn't had any time to test it until now...

Best regards,

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