[zopeorg-checkins] CVS: NZO_SiteLayout - README.txt:1.6

Chris McDonough chrism at zope.com
Thu May 9 11:38:12 EDT 2002

Update of /cvs-zopeorg/NZO_SiteLayout
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv18242

Modified Files:
Log Message:

=== NZO_SiteLayout/README.txt 1.5 => 1.6 ===
-  - Set up a machine with the latest RedHat Linux release.  Ensure that the
-    at least the following subsystems are installed::
+  - Set up a machine with the latest RedHat Linux release (at least
+    RedHat 7.1).  Ensure that the at least the following subsystems
+    are installed::
@@ -74,18 +75,36 @@
     requisite Zope products.  When prompted by sudo for a password,
     enter the 'zope' user's password::
-      $ USE_ZEO_SERVER=1 ZEO_SERVER_HOST=storage.nzo.zope.com \
-        site-layout/buildinstance
+      $ site-layout/buildinstance
         {churn, churn, churn}.. {ask for password}.. {churn, churn}
+    This buildout uses Tres Seaver's "zopectl" utility as a front-end
+    for Zope startup, shutdown, and configuration.  The default
+    buildinstance will install a Zope INSTANCE_HOME in the
+    var/Instance directory that will run on the HTTP port 8080 and
+    that does not attempt to use a ZEO storage server.  A "zopectl"
+    configuration file will be written to the etc/zope-Instance.conf
+    file, a startup script will be installed in the bin/zctl-Instance
+    file and an rc script which calls this startup file will be
+    written to the /etc/rc.d/init.d/zope_Instance file (set to start
+    at runlevels 2345).  The config files and startup scripts should
+    be somewhat self-documenting.
     To install an additional INSTANCE_HOME with a different name and
     different port/password settings or to change the default instance
     settings, use a special set of environment variables *before* the
     "site-layout/buildinstance" command.  For instance::
-      $ USE_ZEO_SERVER=1 ZEO_SERVER_HOST=storage.nzo.zope.com \
-        INSTANCE_NAME=Instance2 INSTANCE_PASSWD=456 site-layout/buildinstance
+      $ INSTANCE_NAME=Instance2 \
+        USE_ZEO_SERVER=1 \
+        ZEO_SERVER_HOST=storage \
+        ZEO_SERVER_STORAGE=Main \
+        INSTANCE_HTTP_PORT=8081 \
+        INSTANCE_FTP_PORT=8022 \
+        INSTANCE_DAV_PORT=9801 \
+        INSTANCE_PASSWD=456 \
+        site-layout/buildinstance
     The following environment variables are supported::
@@ -103,10 +122,74 @@
   - Start the new Zope instance (assuming you've got your storage
     server set up correctly or you're not using a storage server):
-       sudo /etc/rc.d/init.d/zope_{INSTANCE_NAME} start 
+       sudo /etc/rc.d/init.d/zope_{INSTANCE_NAME} start
+    All Zope logfiles are written to the "log" directory inside a
+    subdir named after your Zope's INSTANCE_NAME.  To ensure the site
+    started correctly, examine the "debug.log" logfile for your
+    instance.
+  - If the instance starts, you're ready to visit Zope and set up an
+    NZO portal.
+Setting up an NZO portal
+  - Visit the Zope Management Interface on your nzo appserver instance
+    in a browser.  (The default port is 8080.  Log in using the
+    username "admin", and the password "123" or the password you chose
+  - Create a CMF Site instance in the root folder named "ZopeOrg" its
+    metadata settings (such as title and whatnot) are not meaningful,
+    as they will be replaced automatically.
+  - Inside the newly created CMF Site, create and save an External
+    Method named "setupZopeOrg" with the following parameters::
+     Id:  setupZopeOrg
+     Title:  (None)
+     Module Name: ZopeOrg.setupZopeOrg
+     Function Name: setupZopeOrg
+ - Click the "Test" tab of the setupZopeOrg external method.  A
+   Zope.org "skeleton" site will be created.
+ At this point, you should be able to navigate the ZopeOrg CMF Site
+ and browse "skeleton" content.
+Making Changes to Disk-Based Software
+ Your instance home contains links to Zope Products required for NZO.
+ During the buildout process, these Products were created in the "src"
+ directory via anonymous CVS checkout.  They were then copied over to
+ the "opt" directory for use in the instance.
+ The ZopeOrg disk-based Product (var/Instance/Products/ZopeOrg) is
+ where most of the interesting software is, including skins.  During
+ the buildout process, this Product (as well as all other products)
+ are checked out from cvs.zope.org in "anonymous, pserver" mode, so by
+ default you cannot commit changes to the product back to the NZO
+ repository by doing a "CVS commit" within any given Product directory
+ in your instance home.
+ We suggest that if you want to contribute changes to the ZopeOrg
+ Product, that you make a writable checkout of the ZopeOrg product and
+ make changes within it::
+    cd tmp
+    export CVS_RSH=ssh
+    cvs -d :ext:yourname at cvs.zope.org:/cvs-zopeorg co -d ZopeOrg \
+     Products/ZopeOrg-NV
+ This will require that read/write CVS access be given to "yourname"
+ in the CVS repository.  Paul Everitt (paul at zope.com) can provide this
+ access upon request.
+ You can link this writable checkout into your instance home by doing
+ something like::
-    Logfiles are written to the "log" directory inside a subdir
-    common with your INSTANCE_NAME.
+    rm ~/var/Instance/Products/ZopeOrg
+    ln -s ~/tmp/ZopeOrg ~/var/Instance/Products
-    Config files are in the "etc" directory.   
+ The same general pattern applies for every Product used in your
+ instance home.

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