[ZO-Coll] [ZOC] 276/ 1 Request "How-to batching broken"

Collector: NEW Zope.org (the ... zope-web at zope.org
Tue Oct 21 10:47:21 EDT 2003

Issue #276 Update (Request) "How-to batching broken"
 Status Pending, functionality/bug medium
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= Request - Entry #1 by mcdonc on Oct 21, 2003 10:47 am

Moved from Zope collector:

Clicking on Zope How-To from the main page takes my to the first page of 20 items. Clicking on the button to change the batch size gave an error page. That's the first problem.

The second problem is that there are multiple entries on the first two pages (haven't check further yet) for "Indexes all content in the site". These have various author's names associated but they all link to http://zope.org/portal_catalog which generates an error page.

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