[zpkg] Some comments

Fred Drake fred at zope.com
Thu Aug 25 22:44:32 EDT 2005

On Thursday 25 August 2005 17:43, Stephan Richter wrote:
 > After you unpack the tar ball, I install a test version of the package as
 > follows:
 > python setup.py install --prefix here
 > The package will be placed in:
 >  here/lib/python2.4/site-packages/schooltool

That's because you used --prefix; this is interpreted to create exactly the 
same installation tree structure as use for a Python installation where you 
pass --prefix here to the ./configure script.

What you're looking for is --home here.

 > 2. As you see above, I have to specify "-x zope.app" in the command line,
 > since clearly schooltool.relationship depends on zope.app, but I do not
 > want to include it in the distribution. This command line option gets very
 > old very quickly and I tend to forget it in which case I get a warning. It
 > would be good to have another section in STRelationship.cfg that excludes
 > this package:
 > <exclude>
 >   zope.app
 > </exclude>

Something like that would be nice.  Please add it to doc/TODO.txt for 


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  <fred at zope.com>
Zope Corporation

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