[ZPT] ZPT does validation of documents?

Tony McDonald tony.mcdonald@ncl.ac.uk
Mon, 06 Aug 2001 11:54:12 +0100

On 6/8/01 11:50 am, "Tino Wildenhain" <tino@wildenhain.de> wrote:

> Hi Tony,
> of course it does. Its because TAL needs an impression
> of what tag encloses which block.
> Regards
> Tino

Cheers Tino,
Is there nothing TAL/METAL can't do - I'll find out next that it washes
whiter and repairs bad credit ratings next! :)

Dr Tony McDonald,  Assistant Director, FMCC, http://www.fmcc.org.uk/
The Medical School, Newcastle University Tel: +44 191 243 6140
A Zope list for UK HE/FE  http://www.fmcc.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/zope