[ZPT] Re: METAL Trickiness

Tim Moore tmoore@tembel.org
07 May 2001 23:50:10 +0000


Tim Moore <tmoore@tembel.org> writes:

> FooFolder/Foo/index_html:
> <html metal:use-macro="root/standard_tmpl/macros/master">
>   <div metal:fill-slot="main">
>     <table metal:define-macro="content">
>      etc., etc.
>     </table>
>   </div>
> </html>
> FooFolder/index_html:
> <html metal:use-macro="root/standard_tmpl/macros/master">
>   <div metal:fill-slot="main">
>     <table>
>       <tr tal:repeat="foo python:objectValues('Foo')">
>         <td>
>           <table metal:use-macro="foo/macros/main">

Before someone else points this out, I meant to type
foo/macros/content...but the problem is more with the other template
in any case.

>           </table>
>         </td>
>       </tr>
>     </table>
>   </div>
> </html>
> I feel like this should work, but when I save
> FooFolder/Foo/index_html, it changes 'metal:define-macro="content"' to
> 'metal:use-macro="root/standard_tmpl/macros/master"' and if I save it
> a second time, it then of course inserts the master macro in place of
> my content macro.
> So, I take it that it is not possible to both use a macro and define a
> different one in the same template.  Is this a bug?  Is there some
> other way to do what I'm trying to accomplish?
> thanks!

Tim Moore