[ZPT] ZPT Icon

Michael R. Bernstein webmaven@lvcm.com
16 Oct 2001 12:21:50 -0700

On Tue, 2001-10-16 at 07:32, AJDENSTONE@BKB.com.br wrote:
> My sugestion:
> http://discovirtual.uol.com.br/alex.denstone/Compartilhada/zpt1.gif
> http://discovirtual.uol.com.br/alex.denstone/Compartilhada/zpt2.gif


Personally, I don't like sticking letters into icons this small, as
they're hard to read. Icons (IMNSHO) should be *scanned* not read. I'd
rather have some sort of symbolism or metaphor, if it can be made
sufficiently unambiguous and visually distinct.

Having said that, your suggestions are a distinct improvement over the
current icon in aesthetic terms.

Can you suggest an alternative to the dashed line I'm using to symbolize
'template'? I haven't yet come up with one.

Michael Bernstein.