[ZPT] Referencing Lists with TAL

Amy Schmidt schmidtamylee@yahoo.com
Tue, 23 Oct 2001 07:37:15 -0700 (PDT)

I would like to use TAL to reference a list of lists
returned by my python script. Here's an example of the
object being returned (1 list that contains 2 other

I am having trouble referencing the 2 internal lists
in TAL. Specifically, I would like to populate 2
select (drop-down) menus in HTML with one object call
that returns both lists. Here are some additional code

<span tal:define="global opts
<option tal:repeat="o opts" tal:content="o/{need help
here to reference/repeat sublist 1}"></option>
<option tal:repeat="o opts" tal:content="o/{need help
here to reference/repeat sublist 2}"></option>

Desired result:

Thanks in advance, AMY

amy schmidt
interactive programmer

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