[ZPT] how to access zpt with dramweaver ???

Robert Rottermann robert@redcor.ch
Mon, 17 Sep 2001 11:37:24 +0200

Thank you very much for your detailed answer.

The "open with" trick should do it for the situations where I do not add
.html to the name.

My real problem is that I am to stubborn to have a solution explained to
(the /source.html thing) and leving the computer before I have it working.

I do not believe that anybody ever tried that stunt with dreamweaver (either
on windows or mac).

thanks again


----- Original Message -----
From: "Ron Bickers" <rbickers-dated-1001172954.650cfb@logicetc.com>
To: "Robert Rottermann" <robert@redcor.ch>; <zpt@zope.org>
Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2001 5:35 PM
Subject: RE: [ZPT] how to access zpt with dramweaver ???

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: zpt-admin@zope.org [mailto:zpt-admin@zope.org]On Behalf Of Robert
> > Rottermann
> > is there somebody out there who can tell me how I can access
> > Zope/ZPT using
> > Dreamweaver (or Golive)
> ZPT works great with Dreamweaver for me.  It works fine with Zope via
> (using -W) and FTP.
> > - no dots on the Zope side.
> > - a way to deal with the layout on dreamweaver side.
> The problem you describe is Dreamweaver's stupid (really stupid)
> that it can't directly open files without extensions.  I've complained
> officially to them about this at length with at least some positive
> about it.  Hopefully they'll do something about it in a future release.
> I do two things to help alleviate this problem:
> 1) Use .html extensions on page templates that will be "viewed" (ie, will
> part of a URL), but not just as a snippet of code or a macro definition.
> 2) To open files without extensions:  in the site window I select File |
> Open With...Browse and find and select Dreamweaver.exe.  In DW (at least
> version 4.01), this will open files without extensions and allow the
> view.  It's a stupid thing to have to do, but it does work and it's not
> painful since most of my page templates use #1 above.
> > I tried to use the WebDAV source port with the -W option
> This works just fine for me.  Remember that when you specify the host for
> FTP or WebDAV in DW, you must include the port number (eg,
> http://www.myshost.com:8021/)
> > I tried to save a file with "/source.html" appended to it
> > I made a directory on the windows side named like the Zope object and
> > its content into a file called source.html in that directory. I
> > cant upload
> > this directory/file  to Zope using either Dreamwever4 or Golive5.
> I've never tried any solution that uses source.html.
> One thing that is a bit annoying, is that you must create a Page Template
> object of the same name before you can just transfer it from DW to Zope.
> Otherwise, Zope will create a DTML Document.  In WebDAV mode, it won't
> create a DTML Document.  DW just complains that it can't transfer the
> but will create a WebDAV locked file with the same name in Zope.  I don't
> know if there's a way (without patching Zope) to get it to create ZPT by
> default or not, but it would be a nice thing to be able to do.
> > I have been banging my head to the wall
> Probably not going to do much more than hurt the wall. ;-)
> > Since there is a tutorial on the Zope site rather prominently promising
> > tell  how to use ZPT and Dreamweaver I assume it should be possible.
> > Please somebody tell me how.
> I hope these notes help.  ZPT and DW work fine together as promised.  The
> biggest problem is DW's stupid extension requirement.
> _______________________
> Ron Bickers
> Logic Etc, Inc.