[ZPT] Newbie: Timetable didn't work at new page template

Clemens Robbenhaar zpt@zope.org
Thu, 31 Oct 2002 14:21:44 +0100

 > >
 > >  Additionally I guess there should be a traceback in the HTML-Source.
 > > (However I do not know if this feature is still enabled with Zope2.6)
 > wow, I really have no idea about this traceback function, how to use this
 > function to check HTML-source. I wonder that Zope 2.6 change something
 > from Zope 2.5 maybe quite big, so I want to try at Zope 2.5, and then lets
 > see the results.

 I have just been notified on a mail on zope@zope.org that the
traceback is no longer in the HTML-source for Zope.2.6.0, except if
started with the '-D' option. Instead it writes to something called
'/error_log' in the ZMI. 

 Additionally I tried to reproduce Your problem, but the example works
nicely for me with Zope2.6.0 :( Guess it would help if You restart Your
Zope with -D and look at the traceback You get there, possibly mailing
this to the list if You still cannot figure out what is wrong.

 By the way, the doc/CHANGES.txt says there has been a change since the
last beta in the security handling for PageTemplateFiles, which may
affect the TimespanColumn directly, although I cannot figure out how the
change could break the product in the way You described.
