[ZPT] ZPT Speed Tutorial Wanted

Tino Wildenhain tino@wildenhain.de
Mon, 16 Sep 2002 22:47:04 +0200


--On Montag, 16. September 2002 15:06 -0500 Steve Drees 
<drees@rangebroadband.com> wrote:

>> <html>
>> <head>
>>   <title tal:content="template/title">The title</title>
>> </head>
>> <body bgcolor="#000000" text="#cccccc" link="ff0000" vlink="ff4444">
>> <h3 class="mainpage">Welcome to Haunted Wisconsin! </h3>
>> </body>
>> </html>
> you are saying it takes 400ms to render this ZPT? I don't believe you. I
> do much more complicated things in ZPT and they take less than 400ms to
> render.
Probably not on a C=64 ;))

