[ZPT] Re: Mini proposal: repeat-define and repeat-condition

Godefroid Chapelle gotcha@swing.be
Tue, 21 Jan 2003 08:51:40 +0100

At 00:47 21/01/2003, Evan Simpson wrote:

Evan, thanks to jump in.

I remembered that you did propose something but not what.

>Richard Jones wrote:
>>This issue has come up before (ie. about a year and a half ago :). Does 
>>anyone recall where the conversation ended?
>I had propsed changing the order of operations from "define, condition, 
>repeat, etc." to "repeat, define, condition, etc.", and using a processing 
>instruction in a similar fashion to Python's "import from __future__".

+1 on this proposal which avoid unnecessary new keywords.

>The rationale was that given an element like this:
><foo tal:define="..." tal:condition="..." tal:repeat="..." />
>it is possible (and often acceptable) to get the current behavior by 
>rewriting like so:
><div tal:define="..." tal:condition="...">
>   <foo tal:repeat="..." />
>...while the obverse is often unacceptable:
><div tal:repeat="...">
>   <foo tal:define="..." tal:condition="..." />
>...at least without using TAL namespaced tags.  Also, it's a lot easier to 
>remember that everything repeats, rather than everthing *except* define 
>and condition.


>Evan @ 4-am


Godefroid Chapelle

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