[ZPT] zope3-dev proposal on changing implicitly calling

Steve Alexander steve at cat-box.net
Mon Jun 23 23:37:22 EDT 2003

>> Chris Withers wrote:
>>> To be honest, I'd like the behaviour to stay just as it is now...
>> Why?
> It means I don't have to worry about whether or not something needs 
> calling.

Are you talking about TALES in general, or zope page templates in 

> It's also the only way to currently work around the "I need to call 
> something in the middle of a path"
> eg, I want:
> context/somefunc()/something/etc
> ...so I write:
> define="x context/somefunc"
> replace="x/something/etc"

Fine. For page templates in Zope, I think Zope should take 
responsibility for deciding what is callable and what is not, not TALES.

For TALES in other applications, I think the path expression handler for 
that application should decide what is callable and what is not, not TALES.

I think should should still be able to write such things in page 
templates in Zope.

The proposal came out of wanting to make calling callables in the middle 
of a path expression work the same as calling callables that appear at 
the end of an expression. I think the difference in behaviour is a 

In Zope 3, this misfeature will be corrected. It will be easier for me 
to correct it if TALES doesn't sabotage my choice to call or not to call.

> I think it's nice that non-programmers don't have to understand function 
> calling. It's something hard as a concept to introduce to people who may 
> never need to understand it...

I agree.

Steve Alexander

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