[ZPT] Re: [Zip] Coming changes in page templates

Florent Guillaume fg@nuxeo.com
Sat, 29 Mar 2003 00:24:35 +0100

+1 from me.

The transition will be quite easy as it's very simple to audit the code
for uses that would fail:

find . -name '*.pt' -print0 | xargs -0 grep 'i18n:attributes="[^"]* '

For example current Plone only has one, and our internal code only has a
few occurences.


In article <16004.40197.387420.472922@grendel.zope.com> you write:
> Message IDs and i18n:attributes:
> --------------------------------
> We're planning on changing the TAL i18n:attributes syntax to add
> support for explicit message IDs.
> This change is not completely compatible with the existing behavior,
> but is necessary.  We don't expect it to actually break anyone's
> templates, but wanted to give a "heads up" just in case.  For
> templates which only use i18n:attributes to flag one attribute for
> translation at a time (i18n:attributes="foo"), there will be no
> change.
> The current i18n:attributes definition states:
>     This attribute will allow us to translate attributes of HTML tags,
>     such as the alt attribute in the img tag.  The i18n:attributes
>     attribute specifies a list of attributes to be translated; if
>     multiple attribute names are given, they must be separated by
>     spaces.
> This will change in the following ways:
>     1. Semi-colons will be used to separate attributes.
>     2. Attribute names may be followed by an explicit message ID,
>        separated from the ID by whitespace.  The message ID may not
>        contain spaces.
> For example:
>     <input type="submit"
>            value="Delete"
>            i18n:attributes="value menu-delete-button-label" />
> means:
>     Look up a translation for the message id
>     menu-delete-button-label. If you find one, change the value of the
>     value attribute to the translation, otherwise, leave it alone.
> Templates that specify two or more attributes to translate will see
> one of two failure modes.  In the case of exactly two attributes (in
> the old syntax), the result will be that the first will be translated
> using the name of the second as the message ID.  This will yield
> unexpected results, but not an error.  In the case of more than two
> attributes, an error will be raised when the template is compiled.
> Please send comments on this change to the ZPT list.

Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)
+33 1 40 33 79 87  http://nuxeo.com  mailto:fg@nuxeo.com