[ZPT] Re: Entities in Attributes

Andreas Jung andreas at andreas-jung.com
Sat Apr 24 03:32:40 EDT 2004

--On Freitag, 23. April 2004 19:44 Uhr +0200 Dieter Maurer 
<dieter at handshake.de> wrote:

> There has been a hot discussion about such a feature in this
> mailing list.
> Almost all participants (except me, of course) had strong
> objections against the word "structure".
> In may view, "structure" means "keep HTML structural elements" in
> the value (rather than escape them). This is senseful for both
> content as well as attributes.

A discussion about names is one thing, having this feature or having it not 
is another thing.
I am +10 to include this functionality finally in ZPT as soon as possible. 

 - newbies don't understand why 'structure works only for 

 - newbies have problems to workaround the quoting problem

 - the workarounds are  ugly and are usually not intuitive

For the sake of simplicity und usability I would like restart this 
discussion about
this feature again, not about the name. If you don't like 'structure' call 
it 'bob' or


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