[Zope-marketing] zope.org - Who Uses This Thing Called Zope?

Scott Robertson srobertson@codeit.com
Tue, 9 Apr 2002 15:50:11 -0400

It would also be beneficial to come up with some number that represents the
number of developers that are using Zope.

This question comes up as frequently, if not more for us than whose using
it. Actually that's a fib. It's easier for us to wave off the "why isn't
everyone using it?" argument than it is to wave off the "How many zope
developers are there and how easy is it to hire them?"

I know that this is more difficult than estimating the number of developers
for closed software, but maybe we can extrapolate these numbers by looking
at the:

* number of hits at Zope.org
* number of downloads
* number of members
* number of people attending training sessions and conferences

The exact value isn't to important so much as having *a number* and showing
that it's growing from month to month.

Another goal I think this group should strive for is convincing some
publishing house to have a Zope Magazine or at least a regular column. It's
hard to compete against Cold Fusion and Websphere when you can go to Barnes
and Noble and see them represented in the magazine rack.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: zope-marketing-admin@zope.org
> [mailto:zope-marketing-admin@zope.org]On Behalf Of Carlos de la Guardia
> Sent: Monday, April 08, 2002 2:53 PM
> To: zope-marketing@zope.org
> Subject: Re: [Zope-marketing] zope.org - Who Uses This Thing Called
> Zope?
> I agree that this case study idea is well worth our efforts. I
> think for best
> results we should come up with a standard format for the case studies.
> Maybe something like this:
> * Client
> * Challenge
> * Solution
> * Which technologies other than Zope were considered and why Zope won out
> * Business benefits
> * Software and hardware components
> * Estimated traffic volume
> Carlos de la Guardia
> Aldea Systems
> On Mon, 8 Apr 2002 00:05:32 -0500 alan runyan <runyaga@runyaga.com> wrote:
> > There are loads of commerical products using ZOPE, as well as big named
> > clients.
> > Could we get people to pair up with companies and get some fresh case
> > studies on
> > http://www.zope.org/Resources/CaseStudies  and have this linked off the
> > frontpage?
> >
> > * bruce-eckel likes ZOPE and I'm sure if someone sent him a few
> > questions he
> > would answer. or basically write a case study himself.  just needs
> > prodding.
> > http://mindview.com
> >
> > * ensim - is the largest commercial success that I know of using ZOPE.
> > http://www.ensim.com/
> >
> > * NATO - the guy w/ the demo.. that needs to be gotten a hold of.  just
> > need
> > someone to hassle him.  if not the demo then at least a minor
> case study.
> >
> > * french people havae done some wonderful stuff.  and I think they
> > already
> > have case studies almost available.
> > at least quotes.
> >
> > * dot.kde.org and gnotices.gnome.org could be done up in one.
> >
> > * there is a huge Italian site running ZOPE, forgot name
> >
> > * amphora (sp?) or some other content mgmt like system written ontop of
> > ZOPE
> >
> > * bizarshop
> >
> > the last two, I'm sure would do their own case studies as they are
> > corporate
> > entities and any promotion of their work is free marketing for them.
> >
> > how about a query to the community asking if they want to participate.
> > Steps Involved:
> > * pick a Case Study to fulfill
> > * we can come up with questions for them to personally ask
> > * feed the raw results back to the marketing list
> > * someoned edit them.. and put them up on zope.org
> > * moving 'Who uses ZOPE' to the frontpage of zope.org
> >
> > ~runyaga
> >
> >
> >
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