[Zope2-migration] Best practices for Zope 2 Component Architecture

Troy Farrell troy at entheossoft.com
Sat Feb 1 11:20:57 EST 2003

Greetings all.
Let me start this with a phrase that strikes terror into the hearts of
code-reuse fanatics:  I'd like to build a bug tracker.

That's not why I'm writing, though.  Err, well sort of.  I had this
wonderful idea that if I were to have say three instances of, say,
CMFCollector for our purposes.  If I had a collector for each project A,
B, and C, how could I have one page that listed all open bugs assigned
to me?  Easy, you say, just hard code some searches and display the
results on your page.  Bzzzzt.  I want it to be more flexible.  So, I
envisioned a collector_(registry|service|manager|hub).

It would work like this: a new (collector|tracker|issue\ thingamajig)
would register it's existence with the collector_hub.  The new collector
would tell the hub where it is and the name of it's search method.

My special page of "Bugs for Troy" would query the collector_hub for
trackers.  It would call the search methods and give me back my results.
   Make sense?

My question for you guys:  Is is anything like what we'll have in Z3?
I'm trying to get my head around "Component Architecture," but I fear
it's not working.  Help me get on the right track if you will.


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