[Zope2-migration] For whom and what is Zope 2/3?

Troy Farrell troy at entheossoft.com
Tue Feb 4 10:42:13 EST 2003

seb bacon wrote:
> In fact, it is probably that this group will stand to gain the most out 
> of Zope 3, because the learning curve will be much smoother - provided 
> the documentation is there ;-)
> This is not necessarily an easy sell.  Many existing Zope2 developers 
> will be loathe to throw away their hard-won zen.

WooHoo!  I'm sold.  Anything that means fewer obscure zope-isms is good 
enough for me.  I'll trade my hard-won (quasi-)zen for an easier 
development model.  I'm glad to see zcml taking things out of python 
code that don't belong there (ie. permissions and security are zope 
specific and belong in wrappers around my python code IMNSHO.)


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