[Zope-ZEO] ZODB packaging: what next?

Paul Everitt Paul@digicool.com
Wed, 13 Sep 2000 06:29:52 -0400

Andrew wrote:
> Issue 1: I forgot to package the BTree extensions, so I added them.
> What other things should be packaged?  Alternative Storages are one
> possibility; I've added BerkeleyStorage.py already.  OracleStorage and
> DCOracle are another possibility, though I'm not sure how realistic
> their use is; why would someone use ZODB on Oracle if they didn't have
> to for legacy reasons?

For what it's worth, we expect ZEO+OracleStorage to become the dominant
case for "enterprise" customers.  People get something that is
considered completely trustworth at storage/retrieval of terabytes of
data, plus has well-known backup and failover strategies.  ZEO, though,
gives them objecct semantics, in-memory caching, etc.
